3. Mechanisms for Inclusion.
A committed, effective CSO can build engagement and confidence in peace processes. For a CSO seeking to represent citizens’ views in peace negotiations, legitimacy and credibility depends on its success in reaching out to, listening to and engaging a diverse range of people. This is critical to building trust and confidence in the organisation both from people on the ground and from those mediating Track 1 negotiations.


Peace negotiations set the path for everyone’s future, for children’s future and for the destiny of the state. Thus CCSDS strives to make sure its positions on peace issues are guided by the opinions and points of view of the people they engage with, key figures and civil society leaders and organisations (Track 2) and people in cities, towns and rural areas (Track 3).
Everyone in the CCSDS team has an important part in advocating and building peace, including in support of Track 1 peace negotiations. They are a key link between citizens and the negotiations, whether they are working on the ground inside Syria, in contact with refugees outside Syria or advocating on behalf of Syrian citizens in the international arena.
The CCSDS staff team is a model of inclusion and diversity. It reflects the multiplicity of Syrian society with members embedded in communities which they understand and whose problems and views they represent in CCSDS discussions. Their input informs the development of solutions and the identification and elaboration of essential elements to building sustainable peace and future vision.
The CCSDS has adopted mechanisms for making decisions on peace priorities that enables it to maintain unity in the organization. Its hard work to achieve consensus and preserve unity provides a positive example of how people from diverse backgrounds can compromise in the common good and offer possible pathways to solutions for peace.
It is important that everybody within CCSDS understands and is convinced of the positions the organization will advocate for building peace and dealing with the effects and legacy of the conflict.
CCSDS uses multiple means of reaching as many people as possible:
• Questionnaires to survey and gather opinion on the internet and in areas.
• Facebook pages to share information.
• CCSDS projects that raise morale and trust, empower people to participate and engage in CCSDS consultations.
• Discussion forums, discussion circles and individual meetings to explain and explore ideas with people.
• Inviting people in different areas to write up their problems as a basis for discussion and thinking about solutions with them.
• Targeting key people and organizations.The CCSDS team developed the priorities for peace process through long and deep discussions among themselves for about five days in November 2013. CCSDS team will continue to be involved through CCSDS internal communications and dialogues and the team will shares information, analysis on local and international developments and current opinions and views. This process will keep CCSDS abreast of people’s concerns and needs throughout the peace negotiations.

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