Date of the message: 31 March 2020

Dear Syrian women and men:

The Center for Civil Society and Democracy is following confirmed cases of those suffering from the coronavirus in various regions of Syria with great concern. We are also concerned that not all those suffering from the coronavirus are being registered as confirmed cases. We proudly commend the socially responsible initiatives taken by the many women and men of the Syrian civil society.

We believe that it is our duty to share some of the initiatives CCSD is taking to respond to the containment of the Coronavirus among Syrian women and men, inside Syria and those in asylum elsewhere, with the Syrian women and men:

  • CCSD team continues to work fully from home and the center increases efficiency and activity online.
  • The Center is moving ahead with all its programs, work and activities via electronic platforms and has adapted them to respond to prevention of the spread of the epidemic. We also continue to limit all our physical activities, and with local communities inside and outside Syria.
  • We are proceeding with a prevention and protection plan to ensure an effective response to the prevention of the epidemic. We shall continue to support initiatives focused on local communities in Syria and our local partners (we currently support 6 local initiatives), while following plans to work with members of CCSD, and our families.
  • Sending a message to the Security Council and the World Health Organization to take concrete action to tackle the epidemic in Syria.
  • Monitoring documentation of any confirmed cases in Syria, and the precautionary measures taken by various authorities, as well as the precautionary measures for Syrian citizens towards the epidemic. Please check the:

The first update about Corona virus.
The second update about Corona virus.

Through this approach, we encourage the Syrian women and men to pledge their commitment towards the containment of this pandemic, alleviating the negative impacts of this global crisis on Syria and contributing to the prevention and protection measures for all.

We call on each of us to take the initiative to limit the spread of the virus, at the personal level, and encouraging our families, neighbors, colleagues and our local community members to do same so we can face this pandemic together. We need to minimize pressure on the healthcare sector in our regions, pending the availability of a vaccine for the disease, so let us first start to adhere to the following procedures:

  • Adherence to hygiene standards and continuous sterilization of hands.
  • Commitment to quarantining at home as much as possible, and in the event of going out the need to maintain a safe social distance – one and a half meters away from others – and stop all forms of handshaking.
  • Avoid participating in all forms of social and religious events that involve gatherings such as funeral ceremonies, weddings or any other occasion or event.
  • Be aware of the symptoms of infection with Coronavirus, and in case of any flu or cold symptoms, it is necessary to stay at home for 15 days (the incubation period of the virus) to ensure that there is no infection, and to avoid contact with any individual, whether from the family or the community, in order to avoid transmission of the disease because it is characterized by a rapid spread.
  • Knowing the medical authorities that are concerned with dealing with these cases in the region in which we reside and contacting them when necessary.
  • Taking the initiative to raise awareness of the preventive measures of the departments surrounding us through electronic platforms.
  • Avoid false information, false news and rumors, rely on our sources of information on those published on the WHO site in Arabic, and adhere to the procedures of local medical authorities in our regions.
  • Volunteer to assist the elderly in meeting their basic needs while ensuring no direct contact with them, as much as possible.

We invite you to stand in solidarity with us and cooperating with our families in domestic work.

Doing joint leisure activities with our families, which is an opportunity to strengthen our relationships with each other.

This social responsibility will not be fulfilled without the participation of all Syrian women and men. The Corona epidemic does not follow any geographical boundaries and will not distinguish between Syrian women and men based on geographical location, nationality, religion, gender, or political affiliation.

I hope at the end of this letter that this pandemic will pass with the least impacts and suffering for Syrian women and men, and that it will be an opportunity to take societal responsibility and to express the solidarity with each other. We greatly understand the difficult period in which you will live in the distance away from others, but be sure that this will play a crucial role in saving the lives of your loved ones.

Accept our well wishes for health, hoping that we will overcome the plight of the whole world.

Also, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions, recommendations, comments, or questions on the email that we have allocated for this purpose:

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