The concept of participation is intrinsic to all open and democratic societies. It is essential for human development as understood and pursued by ‘The Center For Civil Society and Democracy in Syria’ (CCSDS). Importantly, we mean participation to mean involvement in policy creation as it is this that most profoundly affects all of our lives.

This kind of broad participation is based on the principles of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association.

In order to promote such participation, we believe that all members of society should have an equal say in forming their government’s agenda and an equal opportunity to direct the policies of their government.

Due to the inability of the Syrian people to participate in crucial decision-making processes, the direction of our country has ended up far off course. It has therefore become very important to break this impasse so to engage with the communities and their leaders from both sides of the conflict. Such a step would serve to make our voice heard amongst those negotiating over our future.

Since ending the bloodshed is our ultimate goal, and because we believe that negotiation is the only way to achieve this goal, we have launched this public invitation for all Syrians to take part in putting an end to the conflict.

The objectives of our invitation are:
1.   To break the retrenchment amongst all Syrians regardless of their affiliations;
2.   To better identify the vision of all Syrians for the future of their country;

3.   To deliver our voice to all decision makers;
4.   To lobby the decision makers to find solutions that would end the civil war and build a peaceful Syria;
5.   To actively participate  with the decision makers in producing solutions that would draw the conflict to a close.

We therefore urge all Syrians wishing to put an end to the bloodshed to volunteer for peacemaking in our community.

We issue this public invitation in the belief that we should all work together as partners and not guardians. We must work with each other to move towards a better Syria.

To find out more about how you can get involved then please visit this link: Join Us

Center For Civil Society and Democracy in Syria |CCSDS

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