The Global Coalition was formed in September 2014 and is unique in its membership, scope and commitment. The Global Coalition is committed to degrading and ultimately defeating Daesh (ISIS). The Global Coalition was formed after the escalation of Daesh’s control over several places in Syria and Iraq. The Global Coalition’s support to the Syrian Democratic Forces protected the city [Kobani] from falling. The Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS consists of 85 partners; including countries and international entities like the League of Arab States in addition to fifteen of its members and NATO, all thirty of its members. All members are committed to confronting ISIS on all fronts and are working to destroy its networks and standing in front of its ambitions for global expansion. In addition to the military campaign in both Iraq and Syria, the coalition pledges to confront and obstruct the financial and economic infrastructure of ISIS, counter the flow of foreign fighters across the border, support stability and restore basic public services to areas liberated from ISIS’s grip, and confront the organization’s propaganda. Those goals are to be achieved in partnership with the Syrian Democratic Forces, formed in October 2014, and with its political wing the Syrian Democratic Council/SDC, who held its founding conference in Derik, Northeastern Syria, on December 9, 2015.
- In October 2017, the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS in cooperation with its partners on the ground, the Syrian Democratic Forces, announced the complete liberation of the city of Raqqa, which was a very symbolic defeat of ISIS, as Raqqa was the “capital of the organization’s caliphate”.
- In 2018, ISIS was controlling only 2 percent of the territory it controlled in 2014.
- In March 2019, the Global Coalition to Combat ISIS together with its local partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, announced the end of the battles of Al-Baghuz in Deir Ezzor, the end of ISIS’ control of all lands previously under its control and the end of ISIS’ military presence on the ground.
The Coalition has committed to support the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)’s Fund For Immediate Stabilization (FFIS), which was established in June 2015 and supports urgent needs in the newly liberated areas. In April 2016, a second channel for expanded stabilization was added. FFIS is a fast-track mechanism designed to help rapidly stabilize newly liberated areas in the first months after the area has been declared safe. FFIS supports four types of activity based on priorities identified at the local level through consultations: Public works and light infrastructure rehabilitation, livelihoods, capacity support, and community reconciliation. These stabilization areas are in cooperation with the civic councils, however there is still a huge gap in reaching stabilization in areas after ISIS without finding solutions to the al Hol Camp.